Material Sales
Lindsay Ventures provides a variety of products and services to the landscape, nursery and construction industries. The main products we supply are Lava Rock, Pumice, Peat Moss and Bark Nuggets. We have the ability to deliver in an efficient manner and are confident we can meet your expectations. Contact Dave at 604-798-8856 for pricing and availability.

Lava Rock
Red in color, the most common sizes used for decorative landscaping are 2″, 3/4″, 3/8″ and lava sand. Lava Rock is also supplied for lightweight fill to development projects throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland.

A lightweight aggregate that comes in varying gradations and sizes. Our Pumice is manufactured to the highest technical standards and supply is readily available for delivery.

Fir Bark Nuggets
Approximately 3/4-inch to 1.5-inch pieces, well screened to remove all fines, with an attractive color and shape. They are an excellent and aesthetically pleasing alternative or accompaniment to other decorative garden and landscape products.

Peat Moss
Increasing the nutrients in the soil, peat moss acts by adding body to sandy soils, holding and absorbing more water and loosening heavy soils to help aerate plant roots. In composts, it aids in the process of making a rich soil additive to any garden by helping reduce the leaching of nutrients and releasing them over tie.